Overnight to Richmond

09/16/2017 8:00 am - 5:00 pm
Charles City Courthouse , Jamestown Marina


WAB is once organizing an overnight ride to Richmond! We will ride up the VCT to Richmond on Saturday, spend the night, and then ride back Sunday.  For those of you starting from Jamestown, you will be going over 106 miles in two days! For those of you starting at Charles City, you will be riding over 64 miles in two days!

Please plan to ride the distance you think you can cover over two days. We will not have a SAG vehicle.

Here are the details:

  • Date:  Saturday, 9/16 – Sunday, 9/17
  • Lodging Location:  Holiday Inn Express, 201 E Cary St., Richmond Va.   Twenty rooms are reserved under WAB.
  • Cost:  $121.00 per night plus tax ($137.00) for a single or double occupancy room.  Specify when you reserve either a King or two Doubles.  A hot breakfast is included. You can cancel a reservation up to 6:00PM on Friday, 9/15.
  • Start Location 1:  Jamestown Marina parking lot, 9:00 AM start time.  A luggage vehicle will be available to load from 8:30-9:00 AM.  Your luggage will be waiting for you inside the Marina building when you return on Sunday.
  • Start Location 2:  Charles City, 10:30 AM start time.  After we see the interest level for a Charles City start point we will sort out the parking area.  Last year we used the Sheriff’s office parking lot.
  • Luggage transport: I will be asking a few people that are not riding to transport our luggage. Please keep in mind the limitations of space and bring just enough clothing/personal items for one night.
  • Dinner:  There are many great restaurants within walking distance of the hotel – information will be provided to all attendees.

What you must do if you want to go:

  1. Call the Holiday Inn Express and reserve a room by calling 804-788-1600 using our group name, Williamsburg Area Bicyclists (WAB), or reserve a room on-line and enter WAB in the Group Code area (click on the More Options link to enter Group Code).  Our block of 15 rooms will only be held until 8/26 and then unreserved rooms will be released.
  2. Contact Rick Nevins at rick@nevins.com or at 717-579-7644 and notify me you are going with the number in your party.


Location information

Charles City Courthouse

10780 Courthouse Road
Charles City

Jamestown Marina

2054 Jamestown Road
Williamsburg, Va
event start: 1505563200
event end: 1505595600
current time: 1741785434
lead time: -236222234