VCT Summer Challenge Wrap-up and Pop-Up Rest Stop

09/14/2024 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Charles City Courthouse


For those who participated in the VCT Summer Challenge, see below.  You can check this out before lunch!

This will also be a pop-up rest stop.

End of Summer Challenge Party and Prizes

On Saturday, September 14th from 10 AM - 1 PM the Virginia Capital Trail Foundation will be hosting an End of Summer Challenge Party at Charles City County Courthouse (milepost 20)!  All registrants will be invited and finishers can pick up their t-shirts on-site.

There will also be prizes awarded to top finishers!  Winners will be based off of submitted results and will be awarded in the following categories:

  • Most Cycled Miles Overall: a cycling jersey in your size, VCT cyclist sticker
  • Most E-Biked Miles Overall: a cycling jersey in your size, Road Tested Bike Tours' "Cycling Adventures Along the Virginia Capital Trail" e-book, VCT cyclist sticker
  • Most Ran Miles Overall:  one entry into the Cap Trail 10m & 5k run, VCT runner sticker
  • Most Walked Miles Overall:  one entry into the Cap Trail 10m & 5k run, VCT socks, VCT sticker
  • Most Skated Miles Overall: a Capital Trail Tech Tee, VCT skater sticker
  • Most Variety:  VCT buff, VCT shirt in your size, VCT sticker
  • Most Improved Returning Participant:  VCT hat, VCT shirt in your size, VCT sticker
  • Best Photo:  VCT magnet, VCT shirt in your size, VCT sticker

Location information

Charles City Courthouse

10780 Courthouse Road
Charles City
event start: 1726322400
event end: 1726333200
current time: 1741783324
lead time: -15460924