May General Membership Meeting

05/16/2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Powhatan Secondary Clubhouse
Event registration ended at 05/16/2024 6:00 pm.


The May General Membership Meeting will feature a presentation on e-bikes by a representative of Trek. 

The pre-program social hour/meal will consist of Pizza (either plain or pepperoni) from Little Caesars.  The cost will be $1 per slice.  When you book, please select how many slices you would like.  Feel free to bring your own meal if you prefer.

The cutoff to order pizza is end of day Wednesday, 5/15.  

6:00 - Meal
7:00 - Business meeting and presentation.  

Booking information

Tickets Booked

Location information

Powhatan Secondary Clubhouse

201 Charter House Ln
VA 23188

Ticket Holders

Name Created Meal Selection Cancel Booking
Julie Christensen Tue, 5/7
Richard Barch Tue, 5/7
Virginia Barch Tue, 5/7
Kenneth Adams Tue, 5/7
Peter Briar Tue, 5/7
Michael Smith Tue, 5/7
Elaine Quick Tue, 5/7
Charles & Glenne Hart Tue, 5/7
Chip Barclay Tue, 5/7
David Hand Tue, 5/7
Tom Keogan Wed, 5/8
Arthur Brown Thu, 5/9
Martha DeBord Thu, 5/9
Ken McFarland (for Chris @ Trek) Sat, 5/11
Ken McFarland Sat, 5/11
Jessica Arthur Mon, 5/13
M Lee Tue, 5/14
Reed Nester Tue, 5/14
John Taylor Wed, 5/15
Mike Walls Wed, 5/15