March General Membership Meeting

03/19/2025 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Powhatan Secondary Clubhouse
Book this event!
Registration ends at 03/19/2025 6:15 pm


In March we spring our clocks forward and get more sunlight hours for riding, meaning soon we will get back to cycling shape, and maybe even begin looking at a bike adventure, whether self-supported or catered. Our March GMM topic answers the questions of planning, organizing, and enjoying these bicycling events! We have multiple speakers describing their past experience, or who are planning on going on both long and short biking events. Please register so we know you’re coming. Format will be “eat before or bring your own food”, and our wonderful volunteers will provide a few treats. Please let Jess Arthur or Julie Christensen know if you wish to bring shareable treats. Come socialize at 6pm, enjoy your food or snacks, and we will begin the presentations PROMPTLY at 6:45 pm. See you there!


A few volunteers are needed.  Sign-up here if you can help.

Booking information

Tickets Booked

Location information

Powhatan Secondary Clubhouse

201 Charter House Ln
VA 23188

Ticket Holders

Name Created Cancel Booking
Jack Lindenmuth Thu, 2/20
Mike Walls Mon, 2/24
Kathryn Blue Tue, 2/25
Will Ameen Sat, 3/1
Julie Christensen Thu, 3/6
Mary Lou DelPrince Thu, 3/6
Raul Zevallos Fri, 3/7
Barbara Zevallos Fri, 3/7
Ken McFarland Fri, 3/7
Jessica Arthur Sat, 3/8
John Taylor Sat, 3/8
Jim Day Sun, 3/9