Hill Repeats

06/20/2017 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm
Weekly on Tuesday until July 25, 2017
James City County Library
First Ride Option
David Clarke
Event registration ended at 06/20/2017 6:30 pm.


This is a series of Hill-Repeats conducted at Croaker Landing, intended to improve a cyclist's overall strength and capability for those, at any level, who feel hill climbing may be a weakness. This is an individual workout that will allow you to work on this weakness.  It will have you continually attacking a steep but very short hill.  Believe it or not, this can be a fun, but grueling, event that may significantly improve your ability to get up those pesky hills.

The group rides out together from James City County Library to Croaker Landing.  At that point, individuals ride at their own pace, do as many repeats as they want in the 1-hour time frame, with the group there for support.  Then the whole group rides back together to the library.  Total ride time 1-1/2 hours.


Booking information

Tickets Booked

Location information

James City County Library

7770 Croaker Road
event start: 1497997800
event end: 1498003200
current time: 1741784031
lead time: -243786231