2022 PBA Smithfield Challenge

B+, B, C, and casual paces. After the ride enjoy some "Champagne and Caviar of the South" (a.k.a. Moon Pie and RC Cola). Free. Preregistration is required and is open now on the PBA website (links below). WAB members who don't belong to PBA can register as guests of a PBA member.
B+ (16-18) - 9:15 roll, Alex Ramirez, 50 miles, https://www.pbabicycling.org/event-4762164
B (14-16) - 9:30 roll, Rob Liles, 43 miles, https://www.pbabicycling.org/event-4762153
C (12-14) - 9:45 roll, Robb Myer, 33 miles, https://www.pbabicycling.org/event-4760721
Casual (up to 11 mph) - 9:45 roll, Sandy Butler, 33 miles, https://www.pbabicycling.org/event-4760733